To develop or transform your business, you need a partner... 

...One who brings you new and innovative ideas every day. A partner with deep industry knowledge, meaningful insights and the broadest range of capabilities. A partner who works shoulder to shoulder with you to help you reach the next level of performance. With specialized expertise in the Retail, Ecommerce, Wholesale and Service Industry, CONRAD STRATEGIES is that partner.



Retail Planning

Business growing and can't get inventory correct? Sales flat to LY, but still need to grow margins? Successful Retail, Ecommerce and Wholesale businesses all need expertise in sales, margin and inventory planning. CONRAD STRATEGIES provides true expertise in Merchandise Planning, Assortment Planning, Demand Planning, Pricing and Promotional Planning, Replenishment, and Allocation.


Financial Planning

Expenses out of control? Need to grow the bottom line in a difficult business environment? All businesses need strong financial plans to achieve goals. CONRAD STRATEGIES provides expertise in planning revenue from several billion to a few million. We can create expense budgets for very large companies to smaller organizations. 



Can't get the customer demand accurate? Are expense projections always causing surprises? CONRAD STRATEGIES has years of expertise in Demand Planning, expense projections and retail sales, margin, and inventory forecasting.


technology Selection and Integration

Outgrown the Excel spreadsheet? Technology experts keep telling you the system works as designed? No system is going to be a perfect fit, however, CONRAD STRATEGIES will use its proprietary process to make the best selection. We will recommend how to best share information between existing systems from a business point of view. 


Create and Define Process

Is the old process not working anymore? Starting a new division or function and not sure how they should interact? CONRAD STRATEGIES has a proven track record of developing new processes and re-defining existing processes in all retail disciplines. CONRAD STRATEGIES also has experience in creating and defining processes in strategic planning, finance and operational disciplines in Ecommerce, wholesale, and service industries.


Strategic Planning

Starting a new business and need a business plan? Need to reduce expenses but require expertise to decide how and what position? CONRAD STRATEGIES can create a new business plan using our proprietary methods to define business and drive results. CONRAD STRATEGIES also can take existing strategic or business plans and re-define them to focus on growth while protecting core businesses. 


Organizational Planning

Starting a new division and need a structure and job descriptions? Need to reduce expenses, but need expertise to decide how and which positions? With over 20 years of experience managing both small and large organizations, CONRAD STRATEGIES can help you create organizational structures, create or change job descriptions, analyze workloads, access current talent and recommend experienced external talent.  


Merger and Acquisition support

Merging with a new company and need to build on strengths and reduce overlap? Have a potential acquisition, but need help with due diligence? CONRAD STRATEGIES specializes in merger and acquisition operational analysis and financial due diligence in retail. 


Staff Supplementation

Have an open position, but can’t find the right person? CONRAD STRATEGIES can temporarily fill positions at Director level and above in Merchandise Planning, Strategic Planning, Finance, Store Operations, Demand Planning, Forecasting, Project Management, Operations, General Management, etc. 


Reporting, Analytics, and Analysis

Receive to many reports and still can not find the information you need? Team suffers from the dreaded analysis paralysis? CONRAD STRATEGIES will use its proven skills and experience to provide you with the reports, analytics, and analysis you need. We specialize in creating and updating reporting, providing meaningful analytics and developing analysis skills in your team.


Project Management

Need project management support on a large project? CONRAD STRATEGIES specializes in large multi-million dollar projects by creating project plans, managing deadlines, organizing communication, and fostering accountability and teamwork. 


Technology Implementation and Interim Solutions

Is your system technically implemented, but users aren't using it? Are you starting or growing your business and can't afford an expensive professional system? CONRAD STRATEGIES has a proven track record of gaining user acceptance in merchandise, planning, finance and operational systems. We use a proprietary process to ensure you can meet ROI goals. CONRAD STRATEGIES also can build or help build interim systems or tools as your company continues to grow. 


Process Implementation

Has your business created a new process, however, are your employees continue to use the old process? Every business needs to continue to improve and re-define processes, but implementing and sustaining new processes creates long-term success. CONRAD STRATEGIES has a proven track record of facilitating employee engagement in new processes using proprietary methods. Let CONRAD STRATEGIES help you implement changes to your organization with positive employee feedback.   


Operations Support

Continue to have too many employees during slow hours but not enough during busy shopping hours? Have an idea you want to try, but don't know how to test? We have many years of experience with these type of issues and many more. Partner with CONRAD STRATEGIES to solve short and long term operational problems without a commitment to a long term engagement.